Monday, October 29, 2018

Final Project Proposal

For my final project I would like to focus my topic on women’s rights, not only women’s rights but mother’s rights. As a mom to be I find myself constantly googling or researching new articles related to motherhood and one topic that has sparked a new wave of debate shockingly enough has been the rights on breastfeeding. Yes breastfeeding, a natural element that goes into caring for one’s child has sparked controversy with people fighting for it to not be done out in public but rather in secluded designated areas assigned specifically for that, like if its doing damage to one’s eyes or health. As an example of this topic, legislation has come up with a new “law” to have a designated area for mothers who are breastfeeding. As fortunate as some of us are to live here in New York, they do have support groups fighting the same rights for breastfeeding that many other states do not. While I’m sure they think it’s helping or being considerate to women I highly find it offensive that while mothers need to be put in a secluded room to feed their child, there are still restaurants that have smoking sections. So where’s the real harm here? For this particular project I’m jumping off of two ideas and want to either ideally create a video testimonial of new moms and moms to be on their take on these news laws whether they agree or disagree which would be accessible on youtube which can be translated and reposted on to every form of media available. My second choice would also still be a testimonial of all new moms and moms to be but with a more magazine Ad feel with photos of women breastfeeding or holding one’s belly in unity using zine or another magazine type website. I’m making this because as mentioned before I’ll soon to be a mom within the next couple months and feel the need to stand up for myself and shed light on something that people wouldn't even take account if they were pregnant or read much about pregnancy and maternal issues going on today. I've done research on this topic as well as already contacting some moms that would definitely be interested in commenting on this subject as well. It fits into my portfolio of work because I personally like to create content in media usually behind the signs but this one would be more personal and I would be able to really have viewers be aware of such topics like this as well.
“Friendly Airports for Mothers (FAM) Act.” USBC,
McClellan, Jennifer. “Nursing Rooms for Breastfeeding Moms Now Required at All Major Airports.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 12 Oct. 2018,
“Laws and Legislation.” NYS Breastfeeding Coalition,


  1. First thing’s first: CONGRATS!!!!

    Ok, now down to business.

    I love your idea especially since you are in a very unique position of being a mom to be. This is a voice that is often unheard or ignored because it isn’t until pregnancy that people can relate. Even I’m guilty of not being able to relate and say “I feel you” because I haven’t been and I’m not at that point in my life… yet.

    I use the word yet because I do see the problem that you are trying to stress here. However, I suggest leaning towards making a video as opposed to a zine for your project because it might be more effective in conveying the message to not just other moms but women in general.

    I as a young woman focused primarily on her career and schooling has not even given a thought to motherhood. Although, that isn’t to say I wouldn’t ever like to be one and birth a child.

    I realize that your project is to give a testimonial of new moms but I think the content should not target them only. I think pregnancy is often denied and rejected by many women not ready to be in your position and it should speak to them as well because eventually they will care.

    As women we own and share the experience of pregnancy and the possibilities of getting pregnant, something impossible for men to relate to and understand. Therefore, your topic affects girls and women alike no matter the age, positions they’re in, pregnant or not and mom or not.

    1. thank you so much sarah this was very helpful and i will make sure to go the video route since more people seem on board to that but will broaden my idea of just moms

  2. I agree with the other Sarah (lol) about making a video if you can, and targeting it towards people who aren't mothers (or even parents). I think this is an important issue with stakes that matter much more than people being uncomfortable by someone, you know, feeding their child. If you wanted to, you could also include perspective from mothers who've already moved past that stage (and therefore have anecdotes and experience), as well as other mothers-to-be who might be concerned about this issue. They wouldn't be the focus, of course, but it could give some extra context and include a wider variety of voices. Whatever way you decide to go with this, it's important and I'm excited to see what you do!
