For my final project, I am going to produce a “tabloid” magazine. Using Star Magazine and other newsstand tabloids, I will recreate pages altering what women are doing, showing and buying. I will also create content about women in media advocating for women’s voices and rights. I plan on using or
I will use the software to format my magazine and then print out copies for class as well as post on our class Blog.
I have broken down the pages as follows:
Cover: Pictures of women in action and boldface type copying the style of the tabloids (using superlatives like Exclusive, etc.) to tell what can be found inside.
Inside Cover: A picture of a real tabloid page I have chosen from Star magazine and a recreation with photos of women from first wave, second wave and current feminist movements. The type on the photos will tell of the women’s activism, or speak for itself.
Pg. 1: A bio of Amy Goodman, journalist, radio and web host of Democracy Now! ( A piece on Miss 17 and Claw Money and a “tip” on the best way to tag.
Pg. 2: News about the NY Transgender Advocacy group and upcoming events. News about and upcoming events.
Back Inside: Beauty tips, “ads” and things to buy using old advertisements in the public domain and my own recreation.
Back Cover: ? Listings of places to go for music, art, dance, lecture, etc. in NYC including times, dates and places.
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