Society is constantly putting girls under a microscope and criticizing them for their personal decisions. Women are constantly put down and shamed for loving their own skin. This happens to women of all ages but it is often taught at a very young age. First, the government tells women, you cannot get an abortion, even if law abides, we’ll make sure that you’ll be stopped one way or another. Then at one point they tell us, you cannot push living human beings out of you because we don’t want you to. So, on a side of the coin, we don’t have the right of abortion, and on the flip side, we don’t have the right of reproduction. Then the question becomes, what rights do I have as a woman?As we see, since long ago sex politics have been handled by the government, in a nutshell, the government has decided what to do with the woman's body. This particular country the United States has always had a system where capitalism has reigned, so Trump being an businessman and see how to do "America Great Again" saw that one of the best way was to close the international organizations that certify that they will not practice nor to promote abortion as a form of family planning so that they cannot receive money from the US government. I strongly believe that this law or rule is somewhat extremist on the part of Donald Trump, as it is generating foreign organizations involved in abortion in any way: practicing it, offering guidance, advocating for abortion law reform or providing referrals to medical services, even when they do it with non-US funds. Under this policy, organizations will be disqualified and will not be able to receive US funding simply by using their own non-US funds to provide abortion-related services and information that are legal in their country of origin and in the US. which the link shows below.
Trump signing abortion Bill |
History has proven that men have treated women as second class citizens for hundreds of years. It is the progress that defines an individual, a group, and a country to treat women as equal members of any society. The saddest part about this is that 51% of white women in America STILL voted for him, while blinded knowing that he doesn't really care about them. Grab her by the pussy! This sentence came from the man who is now in charge of the country that holds your mother, sister, and even daughter, which is why it’s so baffling to have seen how so many women voted for such a disgusting person. It is going to be a rough couple of years for the American people because of the increase in misogyny, sexism, and racism amongst the divided country. It's a sad reality, that abortion rules are often determined by male officials. This order can have grueling effects and be dangerous for females in developing countries who usually have to turn to hazardous and unsafe ways to terminate their pregnancies. According to The World Health Organization made an estimate that more than 20 million women a year have unsafe abortions in developing countries, accounting for about 47,000 of all maternal deaths. The link to the fact sheet can be found here. This is something that politicians don’t listen to because a majority of them do not understand the female body. THEY NEVER WILL. The image below of a tweet speaks volumes but is so simple to understand, it just makes you wonder about the state of all women's rights everyday.
Journalist tweets opinions on women's rights |
Even in the school system, there is a dress code where policies are pushed down girls throat daily. They must wear skirts a certain length and get punished if their shorts are too short. It is supposed to be more important that we teach our girls to cover up and not be a “distraction”, while boys can walk around anyway they want. Why is it not an issue to teach boys self-control? Instead we spend years policing our girls and teaching them to be shameful for their bodies which is such bullshit since it’s already so hard in today’s society to have a huge self esteem. Everywhere we look a women has to battle the images being portrayed within the media and have to figure out ok do I look like this person and if not what are the lengths and route I need to take to become this. In Roxanne Gay’s article that tackles the Netflix show Insatiable, she sheds light on a show that was THANKFULLY cancelled on promoting the image of fat shaming. The main character basically starves herself to try and fit in since she's being attacked for being “overweight” when in reality she wasn’t. She passes out and the classmates go wild with laughter because she’s heavy, like Gay stated “The reality is that so many women and girls regularly starve themselves toward thinness that is ever elusive.” I personally grew up in Miami, where image is huge and important, I remember being in middle school always wanting to look like my friends who were super skinny but curvy cause they had the boyfriends and popularity that I think every girl craves at one point in their lives, it wasn't until about 8th grade where I realized that my personality outshined any body image I wanted to keep up with. But shows like Insatiable just help create this self esteem issue stem from younger and younger ages.
Insatiable with a tweet stating this shows proves hatred |
In conclusion Women should never have to live in fear, not knowing what will happen to their body next. Lets prove that a man like Donald cannot treat this country like one of his business deals. OUR BODIES ARE OUR BODIES !
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