Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Final Project: 30 & not married?

For my final project I am discussing the pressure of marriage that society puts on woman entering their 30’s.  I interviewed a couple of my family members from different generations.  I had one aunt specifically that interviewed who firmly believes a woman should be married by her early/mid 20’s.  Society pressures woman to accomplish certain things by a certain age, marriage being one of them.  Woman are expected to graduate from college by a certain age, get engaged, then married and have children following a specific timeline. But, if I don’t aspire to marriage while entering my 30’s is something wrong with me?  I believe social media also plays a huge role and has a great impact on this pressure put on woman entering their 30’s.  I find myself scrolling through my Instagram feed constantly being bombarded with engagements, weddings, gender reveals and I start questioning and putting in pressure on myself. If I don’t get married or have children, am I considered an  “incomplete” woman?


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